Volunteer Application



Thank you for your interest in becoming a "Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins" volunteer. We ask that before you complete the application; please consider the following expectations. Volunteering for Meals on Wheels constitutes a serious commitment on your part. Our clients rely heavily on their noon meals, as it may be their only complete meal that day. So, we ask you to consider the seriousness of this position before volunteering.

We are unable to fulfill community service hours through our volunteer opportunities.

You may be ineligible for delivering meals if you have had more than 2 traffic infractions within the last 5 years or have any 
violent misdemeanor or felony convictions.

We request a minimum of 12 weeks of active participation in a calendar year.

  • Current Volunteer Application
  • Page 2
  • Complete
Contact Information
Volunteer Information
Volunteer Areas of Interest
MOW Board of Directors
Would you be interested in serving on MOW volunteer board of directors
Preferred Volunteer Day(s)
Companion Information
FOR DRIVERS ONLY: If a spouse of friend joins you in delivering meals on a regular basis, please list their name, relationship and phone number so we know who they are. PLEASE REMEMBER THEY CANNOT GO ON A ROUTE WITHOUT YOU. If another persion wants to be your "SUBSITUTE", they need to complete a separate application and background check as well.
Emergency Contact Information
Colorado requires that all drivers have auto insurance and valid driver's license to operate a vehicle. By signing below, I agree that I do and will contine to comply with the Colorado State Law that requires all drivers to have a valid Driver's License, as long as I am driving for Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins. In addition, I agree to only drive vehicles that are covered by the minimum automobile insurance, required by Colorado State Law while driving for Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins Colorado, Inc.
I have read, understand, and received a copy of the Volunteer Expectations. I agree to provide all required information and comply with all Meals on Wheels for Fort Collins guidelines. By signing below, I am confirming that all the information I have provided is true and complete.
How did you learn about our program?

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